Selecting a Design & Construction Partner

Save Time, Money, and Hassle by Selecting an Experienced Company Any new construction project for your business will require a significant investment. Whether you’re building your first facility, remodeling an older building, or expanding your office or production area, selecting the right design and construction partner for the job will save you money, hassle, and […]
Inefficient Water Heating System?

Upgrade Your Commercial Water Heater with Energy Star-Certified Equipment Whether you use a commercial water heater for basic restroom applications or to fulfill hot water requirements for production, manufacturing, or a commercial kitchen, the time will come when you’ll need to consider an upgrade. Is the Time Now? Commercial water heaters are typically very hardy […]
Do HVAC Maintenance and Service Contracts Save You Money?

Facilities engineers and managers tend to wear many hats, sometimes changing them over the course of hours. Since they have so many different responsibilities, especially within complex facilities such as hospitals, they welcome the assistance that maintenance and service contracts provide. Commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) vendors offer maintenance and service contracts for […]
A Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Money with Your First Hospital Energy Audit

Increasing your ENERGY STAR Rating Reduces Overspend on Utilities Although any business can profit from an energy audit, hospitals stand to reap even greater cost savings due to the nature of their operations. To serve patients around the clock, hospitals have to run energy-intensive equipment continuously. Lighting, heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and temperature-sensitive medical equipment […]
Poor Facility Maintenance Practices Put Hospitals at Risk

Proper Hospital Facility Maintenance Saves Lives When most people think of hospitals, they think of buildings full of the latest technologies designed to save lives and restore health. They think of highly educated healthcare professionals who are well versed on current research and who have their patients’ best interests in mind. Beyond noticing whether the […]
How Do Design-Build Services Vary From State to State?

Designing and Building Medical Facilities in Colorado Designing and building hospitals are complex processes in modern society due to the confluence of technological medical developments, changing requirements of healthcare, and a general demand for sustainable architecture. However, the process can be further complicated when constructing medical facilities in locations like Colorado Springs where elevations are […]